In a previous post I brought up that according to the National Science Foundation, an average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive thoughts.
Think about that for a minute. We think around 60,000 thoughts every day and 80% of these thoughts are negative. That means that we could be currently poisoning our psyches with 48,000 negative, energy draining, inspiration killing, anxiety inducing thoughts every single day.
Is this how you want to treat someone you love?
I trust that your answer was a resounding NO!!!
Take a moment and try and slow your mind down by taking and focusing on a few deep breaths. Now just see if you can notice what you are thinking about.
If you are thinking about yourself, are they positive reflections or some negative judgement or self-defeating mind talk?
Are you thinking optimistic thoughts and all the positive outcomes you are creating with your thoughts and actions or are you dreading the inevitable worst-case scenarios you anticipate are bound to come about?
Are you upbeat about your relationships and upcoming interactions with people or are you fretting that you aren’t good enough or espousing that they aren’t good enough?
Are you thinking that an upcoming event just isn’t going to go as planned because so and so is going to drop the ball like they always do?
Are you going to CRUSH IT? Or, is it going to CRUSH you?
I think I heard this quote first form Wayne Dwyer,
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t you are right.”
SO where is it that you want to spend the next 24-hours and 60,000 thoughts? In your own self-created utter despair or your own self-created bastion of paradise induced bliss?
Choose wisely.
In the earlier post I also referenced an exercise for identifying negative thoughts then immediately replacing them with positive ones. This is a great place to start. Try to set aside some time to sit quietly so you can just relax and focus on your breathing.
Invariably, as you sit relaxed, consciously clearing your mind, you may find yourself creating a moment of tranquility and peace before your mind starts up again. When you start to notice your thoughts see if you can identify what they are. If the are negative, pessimistic or self damning. Go ahead and write down that thought.
Ask yourself if that thought is the undisputed truth.
Usually the answer will be no, since almost all judgements we make are subjective. Then replace that negative thought with a positive one that both resonates with you as true and moves your mind and emotions in a positive direction.
For instance, the thought that, “I didn’t get the job, I’m a complete failure.” Will be re-written as, “I didn’t get that job because I know there is a better fit out there for my unique skill set and talents.”
Or, “I don’t have enough money to get through the month.” Could become, “I am going to brainstorm and take action to make sure my family and I am okay through these challenging times.”
“I can’t get anything right.” Really means, “Like Edison, It may take me multiple tries but with my persistence and commitment I know I can solve this (achieve this).”
Now, where you have written the negative thought and then its positive replacement put a big X through the negative thought. The key from here is to constantly monitor your thinking so that when any of these thoughts arise you recognize them in your mind’s eye and strike through that thought with a big X and mentally replace that negative thought with the one that both rings true for you and puts you in a more positive frame of mind.
There is another easy exercise that I want you to do every day as well. Just do it at a different time than the first exercise. Get out pen and paper and draw a line down the center of the paper. On the top of the left side of the line you have drawn write, “I Am” and on top of the right side write, “I Am a”
Now underneath the “I Am” column write down all the positive qualities that you possess. For instance, “ I am loving, I am caring, I am intelligent, I am strong, I am dependable, I am resilient, I am creative, I am fit,” etc… Think of as many “I am” qualities as you can.
Now under the “I Am a” column write down all of the wonderful positive roles you embody, such as, “I am a loving and caring mother (or father), I am a skilled accountant, I am a wonderful cook, I am a loving husband (or wife), I am a volunteer, I am a great writer, I am a dedicated employee, I am a conscientious employer, I am super seamstress,” etc…
In both cases try and identify all of the traits and roles that you have that help strengthen your positive view of both how you are naturally and how you contribute to the betterment of the planet. If you are being open and honest with yourself about who you truly are this exercise should not be difficult. If you are having trouble identifying positive traits or roles, ask someone you love and trust to identify some of them for you. Remember, and this is very important, believe them when they tell you how wonderful you are!!!
Then upon waking up every day, again right after lunch and once more at bedtime go over your list and meditate on it for a few moments to let the truth of who you really are sink in. This will help you to reset the negative self-talk that you currently have to a more compassionate and positive view of yourself.
You may not catch all the negative thoughts you are producing with these two exercises, but over time they will help serve two purposes. One, you are training your mind to actually identify your thoughts in general, many of which are the negative thoughts that you are unconsciously letting affect your mindset. And two, you will be actually changing these negative thoughts into positive ones. Just remember this, 95% of your thoughts are repetitive.
If you can identify all of the repetitive negative thoughts that you are carrying over from day to day you stand to alter 57,000 of your daily thoughts and turn them into positive ones. How do you think this will impact your psyche? Doing this consistently over the next month or two could turn your negative attitude into positivity and gratitude. Turn this into a permanent exercise throughout your lifetime and your inner peace is assured.
I’m getting excited just THINKING about that!