Employing These Techniques Will Give You Peace of Mind and Save You Calories (Pounds)
Challenges are bound to come. We are in a better position to overcome these challenges if we expect them and, moreover, plan our response to them before they occur.
The strategies below will help you do just that. They will not just help you overcome the craving urges when they come , but will also put you in a positive frame of mind to better help you cultivate a mindset of success that ultimately helps breed even more success.
Here we go.
- Drink Water, Tea or Black Coffee – Though water is the most pure of the three, either will do the job to help curb your craving for an unhealthy snack. Take your time, sip and enjoy your beverage and fill yourself with the positive vibes you’re creating with this healthy choice.
- Take a Quick Walk – When the craving hits, get moving. Get up and go for a stroll. It doesn’t even have to be outside. Walk the hallways or even walk laps around your office. Let your walk be a brainstorming session or let yourself be filled with the mindfulness of the present moment. In either case, let your mind wonder to possible solutions to the task/challenges at hand or let these things melt away as you focus on your divine existence in the present moment. 10 – 30 minutes will do the trick.
- Meditate – Take a timeout and put your mind in a restful state. Either go it alone by simply closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing as you calmly and peacefully watch your thoughts gently float in and out of your mind. Once you reach a place of calm relaxation, fill your mind with the positive visions of you seeing yourself in your ideal state of reaching your fitness and nutritional goals. Focus your emotions on how good this feels. Ask yourself the question, “What would it be like to ___________________.” Fill in the blank of you fulfilling your greatest goals and states of emotional wellbeing.
With these three techniques in your repertoire, you’ll become unconquerable in your quest for fitness and nutritional well-being.
To Your Good Health!